Start 2015 with 12 candid rules for hot sex .BY:Funmi Akingbade 18+

hmmm,seems Funmi Akingbade is back AGAIN with her sex rules..check this out...
Funmi Akingbade                        

Rule   6: Let the value, worth and benefit of sex be the top reasons for each encounter with your partner, because your value system affects your overall thinking pattern. When the validity of sex is well embraced by married couple, it will be very easy for each partner to give a passionate sex to the other knowing fully that the giver is the principal benefactor.
Sex is one of the natural ways of lowering high blood pressure and overall stress reduction both in man and woman. In particular, it reduces the risk of fatal heart attack by half for the men. Couples that have regular trilling sex have a better response to stress than those who engage in abstinence.
In summary, sex improves cardiovascular health. As a matter of fact, diastolic blood pressure regulates more immediately after a good orgasm, than mere compulsory obligatory sex. Women in particular enjoy a double effect of good heart condition when they receive seductive hugs after good sex. Having sex once or twice in a week boosts immunity and thirty minutes of ‘pant down’ erotic sex burns excessive calories.
It is certain that having sex and orgasm increases levels of love hormones called oxytocin. But startlingly enough, sex that ends with lots of hugs for pre-menopausal women with their husbands does not only increase the level of oxytocin, it also helps to increase bond between couple. It builds trust and boosts the self-esteem of these premenopausal wives.
Researchers have proofs that when men in their late 20s have frequent ejaculation via sexual intercourse, they have better chances of reduction in prostate cancer. For many people who find it difficult to sleep, a trial of having sex immediately before bed-time has helped many to sleep peacefully better because the oxytocin released during orgasm is a sleep promoter.
Rule 7: You must become a scholar of your partner’s sexual zones. Do you know that there are seven erogenous zones that are hot at any given time? At pregnancy, breastfeeding time, extreme stressed period and even at full-blown erectile dysfunction cases. They are the nipples of both spouses, the breast of your spouse, the earlobes of both spouses, the groin of both spouses, the penis and scrotum of the man, the vulva of the woman, the clitoris of the woman, the not-open-to-discussion ‘G spot’ of the woman. Even if no other places responded to your touches, these ones are ever-ready-to-stimulation-sure-spots.
Don’t forget to talk softly, slowly and don’t forget to ask sweetly: “how does this feel? Does it make you want more? What would make you feel I should do this again and again. What if I caress less or more?”
Remember, it is very rewarding when you know, admit, and value sexual peaks.
Rule 8: You should openly discuss your sexual peaks. It enhances ragging sex, most men reach their sexual peak in their late teens or early twenties. Most women reach theirs a decade or more later. Often when a woman is in her thirties and forties, her sexual desire becomes stronger, sometimes insatiable. Moreover, as a man ages, his emotional side increases. Through each stage, couples grow and learn more about each other and become more patient and sensitive to each other’s needs. This is God’s blessing to us, because it allows a couple’s sex life greater longevity and duration.
Rule 9: It is very important to recognise the different kinds of sex. So often, couples feel the pressure to have “perfect” sex – complete with earthquake, fireworks, and multiple orgasms. It is not every time you have sex that there will be a “bell ringer” and that is okay, because you are both connecting. Sometimes, sex will be a quickie to meet the need of the moment. Sometimes, it could be functional sex or just sex. Sometimes, when you are not in the mood, you could have it simply because your spouse needs you at that moment. Sometimes, it may be comfort sex. When life has brought devastation, the only comfort and security you find is in the arms of your spouse as a lover. You will be ahead when you understand that the different kinds of sex points to the ultimate reason for sex: the relationship. The goal is not whether you end with a climax. The goal is that you are connecting as a couple.
Rule 10: Don’t forget to communicate what type of sex you need at a particular time. It takes the couples off from being just friends but very close friends. If you think you are going to have a quickie and your spouse is expecting a long, passionate encounter, both of you will probably end up frustrated. Clarify your expectations. Women need to prepare mentally for sex. If a wife knows she is headed for quickie sex, she can mentally prepare for that, including the realisation that she may not climax. Most of the time, a woman will still enjoy sex, even if she does not have the same outcome as her husband.
Rule 11: Have your spouse’s sexual triggers on your fingertips; we often joke about his-and-hers triggers. Usually, we say that men have one sexual trigger: everything. Women are a bit more complex. Though, seriously, because men are more visually stimulated, a man can become aroused by seeing his wife naked, undressing, or wearing something provocative. Typically, women are not that way. Therefore, a husband needs to discover what his wife’s sexual triggers are.
A wife may be a “touch me” girl: she likes hugs and caresses. She may be a “tell me” girl: she likes affirmation and verbal foreplay. She may be “listen to me and share with me” girl: she opens up after connecting with her husband through conversation. She may be a “doing” girl: she appreciates it when he picks up messes and helps with house work. She may be a “spiritual food” girl: she becomes open to sex after connecting with him through prayer, reading scripture, and discussing spiritual matters.
Rule 12: Never ignore the fine art of admiration, there is a part of each of us that likes it when our mate is happy with our performance, insight, or advice. We long to hear, “You did a good job,” or “You’ve worked so hard this week; I want to take you out for dinner, so you don’t have to cook.”
Sincere verbal appreciation motivates us. Overwhelm your spouse with appreciation, and watch ragging sexual desire increase.
Questions and Answers
Mr Lucky Cletus
Premature menopause is when menopause occurs before the age of 40, this may be due to premature ovarian failure or damage to the ovaries by chemotherapy and or radiation treatments, or surgical removal of the ovaries or when a woman has undergone caesarean section more than two times. The symptoms of premature menopause include mood swings, vaginal dryness, cognitive changes, hot flashes, decrease in sex drive, and sleep disturbances. Symptoms are the same as those of menopause that occurs later in life.
Which type of coffee increases the woman’s libido?
Funmi, which type of coffee increases the woman’s libido? Is it the black caffeinated one or the decaffeinated? Should it be just black or mixed with milk? My wife has no libido at all and efforts made to make her have it have failed.
Actually, coffee is one of the world’s most popular pick-me-ups, and it works- at least in the short-term. This is because caffeine steps up the body’s metabolism temporarily, improving mental focus and energy and makes people hyperactive. With or without milk, caffeinated or not, it works for some people and does not work for others. A trial will do no harm but not frequently.
If I have low libido, is it the same as erectile dysfunction?

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Author & Editor

Has laoreet percipitur ad. Vide interesset in mei, no his legimus verterem. Et nostrum imperdiet appellantur usu, mnesarchum referrentur id vim.


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